Star Wars Legion and why I am excited.

So for those that don't know I am a pretty big Star Wars Fan and anything that comes out related to it I always dig in. A few months ago Fantasy Flight games announce their new upcoming table top game Star Wars Legion. This is a exciting table top game which some are comparing to other games like Warhammer 40k or Warmachine but all based on the Star Wars Lore. This game joins several other table top games and with a market very saturated with such games why would I be excited about this new game system ?

After reading a few reviews and also checking out the forum I think this is one of the most exciting games to come out by fantasy flight games. The company it self has a proven track record with previous games including both X-wing and Star Wars Armada who both have several competitive tournments running. I also think that following after these games has given the rule designers a better under standing of balance as well as unit design.

Smaller starting investment

So one of the big perks I think of this game and with alot of Fantasy Flights Games system in general is the value of investment you have to do to get into it. The main starter set right now is slated at 89.95 USD and compared to other systems like Star Wars Armada or the new Warhammer 40k starter set. The other perk of the starter set is you get solid armies that allows both you and a friend to have both factions and start playing. Another benefit is if you only want one army you can easily trade one faction to cut down on costs so that's a extra benefit.

Some other perks is the starter set comes with its own dice as well some its own measurement tools. This is big since you can just buy the starter set and from their don't have to invest in either measuring tap or some new dice. Coming from some one who does quite abit of table top this is nice since you don't have to worry about getting anything or bringing extra stuff which can after a while add up.

Smaller Scale

So one thing people will notice is that the starter set contains about 33 miniatures. These will allow you to create 2 armies of about 500 points each ( this is half of what tournament play will be) giving each a strong start to collecting. One the things to think is with this games are going to more of a skirmish scale where small armies of up to about 30 models a side to battle it out. This is pretty big since you don't have to collect to much to get a tournament scale.

One of the other perks of this scale is it will allow for bigger and quicker pick up games compared to other game systems. Where Warhammer 40k can take up to a few hours as a example we have seen several demo games be about 10 to 20 minutes long and if we add in additional units we can estimate up to about 40 minutes to a hour. I think this is a big thing since people will have more chances to get into the game since they don't have to take a after noon off.

The other perk is for those who are painting means they have a smaller painting pool to go after. This I think will be big as even for part time gamers a smaller collection means less time at the painting table and more into the action. Now their are some who think their is a down side to these not being prepainted compared to both x-wing and Armada but this allows for greater flexibility since you can pick your own colour scheme and make up some pretty sharp units.

Narrative Gameplay

Ever since the first time we saw the movies or maybe picked up the games or novels their has always been the wondering of the what if's? One of the big things I see Star Wars Legion will bring is to the narrative gameplay. Though this game is designed with competitive balance in mind I think you will see more what ifs and narratives being played. The reason for this is the scale and the customization people will be coming up with units or custom heros people will come up with and we may see more then one battle of Hoth coming out.

One of the other bonus is Fantasy Flight Games also has 2 other games systems of course being X-wing and Armada. This adds another element as you can make a muilt theater campaign where you an have Star Destroyer trying to move armies around while X-wing and Y-wing strike at smaller installations with commandos maybe retrieving critical info. Though the scales are abit off this is a fun little narrative game play you can also add in.

In closing. 

In closing Star Wars Legion is one of those games I look forward to that is coming out next year. With what looks to be a low investment with alot of fun options I think this will be a game any one who fancies Star Wars or maybe a new table top game should check out.
