Aus30k and Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy and a Wonderful campaign site.
Greetings everyone today I have a special treat for all those hobbyist out there and a wonderful example out on the net. Today I am going to be talking about Australis Ultima or also known as aus30k a wonderful website set around The Horus Heresy. Now this is a independent website designed to help run campaigns and give people a free open end resource that lets you really design a campaign. I found this a neat website and want to talk about some the strong points of the website that may even help out your campaigns.

A General Overview of the Site

The main website is divided into a few parts that allow ease of exploration for people to get into it. One of the main subjects is all open campaigns which you can find on the main page located here ( The second section is divided into separate legions, armies or other factions that was around this sci-fiction history. Now the benefit of the site is its all based on Wikipedia entry's and with a simple sign up you can get into it very quickly with some already loaded resources as well templates to get running.
The army section is very nice and allows for easy flow. All you have to do is select one of the army icons to get to all the army listening, from there you select on a subsection that allows you to get into the actual army database. This has then player imputed information that can talk abit about the army lore and if they take part in a campaign, campaign badges that they have earned. I really like this touch since you can help trace the lineage and battle history of the company giving you a better experience.

The next important section is the actual campaign section. From the main page it gives you a options of selecting completed campaigns or looking into ongoing campaigns. This is a nice feature since you can see some previous history as well as maybe even take part in some of the ongoing campaigns. Once you select a campaign it will also give you system information for where the battles are taking place and even give some history of where your fighting, all organized by that campaigns GM ( Game Master).

Now once you get into a actual campaign and sign up from there you want to record battles. Depending on it the campaign in question you are either signing up for loyalist or traitor factions and fighting against each other. Once you've completed a skirmish or battle on a designated area you can already see the result of the campaign by seeing either sides score go up. This is a nice feature since at a glance you can see what impact you are already having in the campaign.

Why I love this site ?
A major question I might get asked is why I love this website so much ? Well for me its easy and in a few points. One of the big ones is it allows any one to sign up and get into some action for a campaign. its open ended but has some core mechanics that allows players to see there impact right away. It also allows people to create stories and really add to there armies history which as a narrative hobbyist I really enjoy.
I think other developers or those running campaigns can really look at this site for some ideas. It really shows how a few items can really add to a persons experience. Though its just a Wikipedia page its rapidly becoming a resource for other bloggers, youtubers and podcasts to really dive into so that means the ideas from this could be used for other sites. So all and all I love the passion that went into it and its constant inspiration it will add to players.

Any major campaigns I can get into ?

So as a mentioned before this website is used by multiple bloggers,pod-casters and other internet personalities and a few of them had banded together. I'd like to introduce the Second Golloch War which is one of the biggest fan based campaigns launched on a international scale. Being run both on this website and also on the Facebook page its one of the most ambitions fan campaigns I've seen in a long while.
What is neat about it is any local group or player can sign up for the campaign and get into the action. You and a lone buddy could battle it out and even tip the scales to either faction favor. If you want to get into the action its simple all you have to do is sign up on the Aus 30k site ( )and also check out the Facebook page( ).

So in closing check out this website especially if your a fan of the Horus Heresy Series by games workshop. Even if your not a fan check it out and it might help you run some local campaigns. Lastly if you know of any other websites I should check out post in the comments any sites i should check out. Thanks for reading and till next time Happy Gaming!
