What the blog is about.

The Soban Network Blog
Greetings everyone, first off welcome to the new Soban Network Blog. This is exciting time for myself as this is a stretch goal for expanding the network. The whole goal of the blog is to provide both gaming and hobby news to you the wonderful reader. This will expand on services we already provide with the youtube channel and as well as the twitter.

Why should I read this blog?

Well this one is a easy one to answer for new readers as this is going to be a gaming and hobby blog. With video game reviews and talks about up and coming things in the industry as I can report them. This will also be also try not to be biased writing since I want to try to give the best reviews about new items coming up. This is one of the main focuses to talk about upcoming items.
The hobbyist should also look into this blog since I will be talking about some hobby items. This will include up and coming item reviews, in addition to army progress for games like Warhammer 40k, or bolt action. This will also include unique content in which I will talk about campaign stuff that will take place out side of the normal content I provide that will give some more fun for the readers.
In general this will provide content both for those who enjoy casual gaming and those who want a bigger experience. I want to try to balance it so that it will be a welcoming experience for everyone and also showcase some passion the main writer has for the gaming scene. I also hope this will also provide some fun creative experiences for any one looking to get into the hobby.

So whats next? 

Well the next part is also abit easy since we are going to get to work. I will be posting over the next couple of days some content for both hobbyist and gamers alike to get this flowing. I hope people will share and join me on this journey. So stay tuned for whats coming up.

Thanks for reading!
Sincerely Aaron Scherer
