Hobby Goals 2018

Hey everyone Aaron here from the Soban network here to talk about some hobby goals for 2018. Every year I try to set new hobby goals to try to keep my self on pace and also make sure I get everything done. Also a benefit of doing this I find it keeps me abit on task and prevents me from buying more stuff ( or I keep telling my self) .
So lets get going to the armies them selfs warning this is a very long post.

Iron Warriors 2018

So this has been the army ive been working on since the end of 2017. In this post i'll be including stuff i've already painted for it since its always good to have a full picture and if its completes its shows the full progress.


Narik Dreygur ( will use him as a normal centurion for now )
Master of Signal
Consul ( want a general consul with a plasma pistol and a mace)


Veteran Tactical Squad ( 2 plasma guns and thunder hammer)
Dreadnought ( 2 power fists and flamers love the mini and old school metal)
Contemptor Dreadnought ( muilt melta and close combat weapon)
5 Terminator Squad  ( Flamer and 4 power fists)

20 Man tactical Squad ( sergeant with lighting claw)
20 man Tactical Squad ( sergeant with power fist)

Dedicated Transports
1 rhino 

Fast Attack

Tarantula Turrets ( 3 with muilt Meltas just built these for defensive missions )

Heavy Support Squad (10 with all rockets)
2 Basilisk

So the whole premise of the army is a infantry siege army. The whole goal is to rush across the field supported by good fire support and hoping to close the distance. In practice so far its been working and with adding more troops and infantry to it will make this a good boost. All and all this should be a easy thing to finish up just have to paint 40 more infantry to complete this goal.

Extra Iron Warrior Goals 

I always include extra or stretch goals so as to give the army some extra push. This is only done really if the main goal is done or if another need arises.


Warsmith ( Terminator Armor ) - I really want to get the Warsmith for the Grand Battalion ready but right now have him on the back burner while minor characters get into the combat. The other reason is simply put I want him in a Cataphractii armor and I want to make a nice body guard unit for him.

5 Terminators in Cataphractii - These are the body guard unit I want to do up and also make them a proper siege force. 

Spartan Assault Tank - Already bought for the army I want this tank to be one of the final pieces I do for the army, also it feets my theme of a siege army. 

Sons of Horus 

Next army on the list is one alot of my friends voted for and are also the counter part to my existing Luna Wolves. This is going to start off as a small army but one that is going to push forward and be counter point to my biggest legion and one of which will be in a play style I really don't do much. Lastly this isn't going to be as big as the Iron Warriors since I can't add to much more to them till I get the other armies done but for narrative games they should do pretty good.


Praetor aka Verräter Kurn - The big baddie of the army and I can't wait to get this model painted. Will be armed with a paragon blade and a powefist and should be a fun mini to run. 


Justerain - I have 5 from my Luna Wolves that they will be using initially but I will be getting 5 new ones to make up for the army. Just going to run 5 with power axes and a muilt melta since i love how the unit acts. 

Veteran Tactical Squad ( Thunder Hammer, Lighting Claws, power Axe) so a differant tank on my ussual load out, im going to run a veteran assault unit that is designed to get in close with the enemy. I like how this is going to run and with one rite of war im going to do its going to be perfect. 


Tactical squad 10 (sergeant with a heavy chain sword) so i've never ran a heavy chain sword but the model just looks pretty neat, this is another one of those just going to be differant and charge in close.  

Tactical Squad 10 ( Sergeant with power axe) another close combat unit that will be getting in close, its goal is just to rip apart infantry. 

Heavy Support 

Vindicator - One im borrowing from my bits pile that is going towards the legion, not only will it give them some anti tank but it will also give them a heavy weapon to deal with infantry on the approach. 

 Now as you can see this army is built abit differantly then my iron warriors, it doesn't really have anti tank, and when the anti tank gets added its only 2 units that have to close in. This is done simply cause this army is going to at first be used on limited campaign missions alongside other Traitor forces, where the goal is the leader of the traitor forces in the sector is going to add his weight to a critical assault or  a desperate mission. The other thing is im not including the drop pods im going to be adding to the army since im painting them up as a general pods that any of my legions can used. This is the other bonus of the army as while there allies strike on foot, they can pod in and hopefully damage there leadership just as horus intended. 

Talons of the Emporer 

This is the smallest army on the list and one im not painting up my self but instead my buddy at bearbox studio. This is just a for fun army that may see some action and I just wanted this as a nice close combat edge.


Custodes Shield Captain (paragon spear) main leader and will be a nice extra.
Oblivion Knight centura ( paragon blade) she will be leading the main sisters force. They also have a nice rule which they will inflitrate and try to close in with the target.


Hetaeron guard squad ( 4 man squad with banner) Will be the body guard unit to the shield captain and a unit that will get in close. The added bonus is I can fold them into my normal unit if I want a bigger unit.


Custodian Guard Squad ( 5 unit ) A nice small squad and the main troop choice for the army. I wanted these to just be all armed with spears and a good back up for the Hetaeron Guard Squad.

Prosecutor cade (9 unit) - A nice extra troop choice that can get right into the thick of it early. Armed with bolters they can be setup as a forward assault force and lay down some fire while they wait on the rest of the talons.

So as you can see this army is small and light, pretty much the sister will hold there ground while the custodes drop in from above. I'll be mostly using this army though as a ally army and for narrative missions in one of my campaigns that i'll be running this years since that is one of my primary focuses of the year.

Stretch Goals Army Wide.

So these are goals if I some how complete everything else. I have alot on my table and well I want to get these other ones done first before I move to the next. If I some how get those all done then i'll work on these other ones and maybe add them into a narrative so lets see what we got after those 3 armies.

Emporer's children

So this is a back burner army and one I will be doing eventually just not sure when. The army it self will be similiar to my Sons of Horus in the terms of infantry but will eventually be built as a mobile small veteran force.I also hope that I can add more then just rhinos to this army and give it a few more tanks that are considered elegant but till that day its going to be infantry and what ever else I can scrape together.


Legion Champion- I think fitting for the army and instead of a captain or some one else I want a dualing hq who fights more as a war band till it grows.. The other bonus is that that this also repreast both a traitor and loyalist force and I might even be able to run the istvan campaign with this army. 


Veteran Tactical Squad (10)- a unit I already have painted up armed with a rocket launcher and a flamer. This is just going to be a run up and fire support, while also fellowing the hq around.

Phonix Terminator Squad (5) - One unit im going to be trading with a buddy of my. This is a iconic unit and im happy to be painting this up.

Dreadnought - a unit already painted up and ready for my legion, its armed with a heavy bolter and also close combat arm will give this army a nice beefier unit to charge up front.


Tactical Squad (10 1 power sword) - Just a standard unit that will be given a power sword like the dual society the legion favours and one unit that will be fun to run.

Tactical squad ( 10 1 power axe) - Same as above but going with some ap 2 fun.


So this is a odd one on the lsit but one that will be interesting. Unlike the others on the list I will be designing this as both a 30k and 40k army from the get go and will be using both new models as well as some existing painted up minis, some of which will need a touch up. This is also a bigger army and one I think its more likly to be completed in 2018 but lets see what happens and lets get to the army builder.


Preator/Chapter Master - Armed with a paragon blade/relic blade this will be one of my main hqs in the army. The extra benefit is I already have him painted and ready to go.

Secondary Captain - a jump pack equiped captain with a thunder hammer unforunatly due to his armour he is more for a 40k army like the units he will be leading.

2 Primaris Space Marine Captain - getting one from a trade that i'll be trying to make abit more unqiue.

Telion - the Space marine scout sergeant him self, who is also useable in 30k due to the fact he can be a centurion consol.

Chaplain Cassius - painted and ready to go, another special charcter that I can use for both 30k and 40k. The model is top and a personal favorite.

Liberian - Armed with a force sword this round out my hqs with one of the ethernal.

4 Primars LTs - getting these from both a trade as well as my own box I bought. Should be a good boost to the army.

Dreadnought ( Lasscannon/missle launcher) a old box dread that is easy to use and great for both 30k and 40k. Armed for long range support my mostly running army will be able to fellow up with the troops.

Dreadnought ( Lasscannon/Assault Cannon with power fist) a old box dread with the added ability to switch out the assualt cannon with a lasscannon. can be used in both 30k and 40k with out to much of a issue.


30 Tactical marines ( mk III armor) These are all my Heresy era marines that i'll be able to mix with my other units.

20 Tactical Marines ( Assorted armors and marks ) these are all the none heresy era units that that army has painted up.

20 Primaris Intercessors - Like the tacticals but more ridged like heresy era tacticals.


2 Rhinos
1 Razor Back 

Fast Attack. 
 6 Primaris Space Marine Interceptor Squad
 5 assault marines - already existing units that will be joining the captain.

Heavy Support.
1 Vindicator
1 Predator Annihilator
1 Land Raider ( standard) can be used in both 30k and 40k.
1 Land Raider Crussader - this unit is a heavy fix me p unit but im hoping I can have it all sorted out eventually.
 10 Hellblasters

So there you have it the long list of all the hobby goals for 2018 and maybe even 2019 goals.One of the main things of this list is im starting to building the main nucleas of each legion which means I can add small units over time and also experiance growth. It also allows me to if I want to play with this armies abit more since I can ally in these forces. Lastly if I complete all this it will be a solid thing.

So post below some of your army goals for 2018 and let me know how your going to do! 
